People are Vossloh‘s most valuable resource. They provide essential services for the company and are the basis for Vossloh‘s future success. For this reason, occupational health and safety is a high priority at Vossloh, alongside the duty of care and applies to all employees and all persons on the company premises. The corporate policy on occupational health and safety sets out Vossloh‘s commitment to continuous improvement in this area, the company‘s zero-accident target, the guiding principles and other binding requirements. In terms of a structured and sustainable management system for occupational health and safety, the company strives to ensure that as many areas as possible comply with the internationally recognized standard ISO 45001, which replaces the previously more common standard OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Safety Assessment Series). At the end of 2023, the proportion of operating companies with corresponding certification remained unchanged at 81%. These units employed around 89 % of Vossloh‘s workforce (previous year: 89 %). In principle, Vossloh pursues the goal of certifying new units that join the Group in accordance with ISO 45001 as quickly as possible.
The introduction of an ISO 45001 management system and its certification provide the company with suitable tools and measures to integrate occupational health and safety into its processes. The prescribed audits by independent external auditors ensure that the legal obligations and requirements are being complied with.. For the managers of the operating units, attainment of the defined occupational safety performance indicators is an integral part of their pay-related target agreements. Since 2021, an occupational health and safety training module has been available to all employees via the Vossloh Learning Platform (VLP).
The Covid-19 pandemic continued to have an impact in the past fiscal year. In order to protect the health of employees and prevent infection with the virus in the workplace, employees in production were instructed to stay at home and get tested if they suspected they were infected. Working time models with varying degrees of home office are in place for employees in the administrative areas. These are intended to contribute to a better work-life balance and create a motivating working environment.